stone, paper, scissors, lizard or spock
by FilmAndTelevision
stone, paper, scissors, lizard or spock
by FilmAndTelevision
star lord
by karlmisetas
frontier end
by piercek25
trekkies go!
by demonigote
long live kronos
by karlmisetas
hand trek
by karlmisetas
star captain
by karlmisetas
rock paper and scissors
by demonigote
vulcan university
by heliconista
Long life and prosperity spock
by mrsjudiba
Design 2774523
by LaughingDevil
vulcan cat
by TheElectricJoyCo
to boldly go
Sheldon bag spock
by frikt
the vulcan officer
by amanoxford
spock i made a mistake
by cinesinlata
spock and dog
by cinesinlata